蘭花麵是蘭卉生技以創新技術替蘭花加值,從蘭花葉子裡面萃煉有益人體的花青素、蘭花多酚及總酚等元素,並以專利的技術添加在麵體上,尚能充分保留花青素及蘭花總酚之營養成分。重塑蘭花新的形象,使蘭花從單一觀賞用價值,衍生出更多附加價值,融入我們生活中。Our orchid noodle is produced in innovative technology with several procedures, inclusive of extracting different types of nutrients such as anthocyanin, polyphenol and total phenol from orchid leaves, while adequately preserving the nutrients mentioned above as well as adding them into the noodle. We are hoping to reconstruct the new impression of orchid, create more additional value out of the very monotonous ornamental purpose, and eventually integrating them into our daily lives.
商品規格:蘭花麵(包/ 285g ± 3%)
*(Phalaenopsis I-Hsin Venus)蝴蝶蘭為本公司的植物品種權字第 A01566 號
*榮獲台灣「蘭科植物材料添加之麵體產品」 新型專利第M573941 號
*榮獲台灣「具維納斯或蘭花 DNA 序列片段材料及其添加產品」發明專利第 I669133 號
*榮獲台灣「可抗菌蘭花萃取物及其添加產品」 發明專利第 I668015 號